Waste rubber processing factory

The most rational and simple process of waste rubber processing for today is based on a method of high-temperature shift and rubber’s elastic – deformational crushing into a rubber granules. It allows saving maximum of chemical and physical and mechanical properties of the rubber.
The waste rubbers processing is excellent precondition of the organization of a highly profitable business as the products of processing have notably low costs and are used as a raw material for manufacturing of plenty of high-liquid goods, such as:
- sport’s rubber coatings;
- rubber slabs;
- rubber paving blocks;
- seamless rubber coatings;
- waterproof roof coatings;
- rail sleepers and pads;
- floor mats and shoe soles;
- road coatings (14—15 ton for 1 km of road coating);
- concrete for construction industry as an addition agent;
- for manufacturing of other materials.

"AUTOLIK SERVICE INDUSTRY LTD." offers the waste rubber (including  auto-tyre) processing enterprises with capacity from 10 up to 100 tons per shift and technological lines for manufacturing of goods from obtained raw material as well.

The enterprises are completed in compliance with customer’s conditions.

The basis equipment includes:
- waste rubbers processing;
- crushing lines;
- sorting lines;
- granulation and cleaning lines;
- rubbers manufacturing;
- spraying apparatus, agitators, packers;
- hot forming lines;
- cold forming lines.